

How to design a water cooled chiller for UHV electrode foil production line

  A proper   water cooled chiller system   for UHV electrode foil production line is very essential and important to the industry. However some HVAC engineers still have doubts on how to design a cooling system. Here we will bring a case reference for you. Project Overview This plan is designed for the aluminum foil production line one of the  Western Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. The project is located inwestern of China. The design requires a cooling system transformation project for 70 aluminum foil production lines. The original process uses groundwater as the cold source, and the groundwater is directly discharged after cooling and heating, resulting in a great waste of groundwater resources. It is now planned to switch to chillers for production line cooling. According to the use of the project, the design of the aluminum foil production line cooling system transformation plan is to follow the following principles while ensuring that the owner’s needs are met: safety in use, in

What are the types of chiller evaporators | Oumalchiller.com

  The evaporator is one of the main components of   industrial chillers . The types of evaporators include: tank with coil evaporator, shell and tube evaporator, stainless steel plate heat exchanger, titanium tube evaporator. With so many types of evaporators, how should we choose the appropriate type of evaporator for our chiller? Water tank coil evaporator: The evaporator is a coil type structure placed in the water tank. The coil-type evaporator of Omar Refrigeration is made as follows: According to the size of the chiller required by the customer, the copper pipes are coiled in a circle, and then the coil-type evaporator is put into the built-in water tank of the box-type chiller. In this way, the refrigerant in the copper pipe can absorb the heat of the water. The water tank coil evaporator is relatively simple to manufacture. The cost is relatively low. Generally,  small water chillers  use water tank coil type evaporators. Shell and tube evaporator: Shell and tube evaporator is

Why does the chiller evaporator freeze | www.oumalchiller.com

  During the use of the chiller, sometimes freezing occurs, and the chilled water malfunctions and alarms. The evaporator is one of the four core components of the chiller, and its importance is self-evident. Once it fails, the chiller will also go on strike. Today we will talk about the more common evaporator failures, namely Icing, to analyze the cause and find a solution. Why does the chiller freeze? How to eliminate the icing failure of the evaporator? ​ 1. Look at the type of chiller, whether it is a  low-temperature Chiller machine  or a  room temperature chiller machine . For low-temperature chillers, use antifreeze instead of water. Such as Glycol. A normal temperature chiller uses water for circulation. The temperature of this chiller is generally set at 5 degrees. The factory has set it before leaving the factory. Of course, you can set it yourself. If the temperature is too low, it will freeze. If the temperature of the medium and high temperature chiller is lower than 5 deg

How to choose a chiller for the bottle blowing machine | Oumalchiller.com

  What is Blow Molding Machine? Blow molding machine is a kind of equipment that makes plastic particles into hollow containers through a blow molding process. At present, the more common models include: a hollow extrusion blow molding machine that uses PP and PE for one-time molding, and uses PET, PC or PP for two moldings. The injection-stretch-blowing blow molding machine and the newly developed multi-layer hollow extrusion blow and stretch blow molding. At present, most of the blow molding machines are also two-step blow molding machines, that is, the plastic needs to be made into preforms and then blown. Nowadays, environmentally friendly plastics made of PET are commonly used. Production process of Blow molding machine The working process of the bottle blowing machine is generally to place the preform in the preform container, automatically enter the preform positioning device through the conveying device, and then load the preform mouth upwards onto the preform holder, and then

How to choose the type of refrigerant for the chiller | Oumalchiller.com

  The normal and safe operation of the chiller is inseparable from the refrigerant. It is the working medium that circulates in the chiller refrigeration system to achieve refrigeration. The commonly used refrigerant types for chillers are: R22, R407C, R404A, R410A, R134A, R507... Because R22 refrigerant is not environmentally friendly, most countries have now banned the use of R22. Therefore, for Omar chillers, high temperature The chiller uses R407C refrigerant, and the   low-temperature chiller   uses R404A. Of course, R134a, R410A, etc. can also be used according to user requirements. So, how to choose the appropriate refrigerant type for the chiller? R22: Because R22 destroys the ozone layer, many countries have now banned the use of R22. Therefore, the chillers we export are generally R407C systems, unless customers require special requirements. R407C: R407C is a mixture of R32 refrigerant and R125/refrigerant plus R134a refrigerant in a certain proportion. It is an environmental

What issues should be paid attention to when purchasing a chiller | Oumalchiller.com

  There are many types of   industrial chillers . When purchasing a chiller, different chiller suppliers make different chiller solutions. Therefore, customers need to face choices in the process of purchasing chillers. How can they choose a suitable chiller Suppliers?  Are there any problems that we need to pay attention to when purchasing chillers? The following Oumal chiller manufacturer will take you to analyze together. First of all, when purchasing a chiller, it is necessary to know whether it is an air-cooled chiller or a water-cooled chiller, whether the chiller model recommended by the supplier meets your requirements, whether the cooling capacity is sufficient, and whether the power supply voltage matches , If different chiller suppliers have different prices, we compare air-cooled chillers with water-cooled chillers, it will be difficult to choose a suitable supplier. Because the price of water-cooled chillers is cheaper than that of air-cooled chillers. The same water-coole

What is air cooled chiller | China air cooled chiller Manufacturers & Suppliers

 The  air-cooled chiller  is one of the chiller models. It cools the water at room temperature to a certain temperature through the compressor of the chiller to strengthen cooling of the mold or machine. It is used as a stand-alone machine. The heat sink is a built-in fan. There are three main mutual Linked systems: refrigerant circulation system, water circulation system, electrical automatic control system.   The air-cooled chiller is mainly used to cool the heating components of the equipment to ensure the normal operation of the equipment at a constant temperature. The air-cooled chiller is suitable for high-speed spindles, electric spindles, CNC machine tools, coordinate boring machines, grinders, machining centers, laser marking machines, laser engraving machines, laser welding machines, laser coding machines, laser cutting machines and other equipment. It is also widely used in the following industries. Injection rubber process: cast film, composite film, blown film, bottle blow