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Tips for seasonal water chiller system shutdown in winter | Hstarschiller.com

  Introduction: Winter is coming, and the ambient temperature is about to drop below zero. This will cause great damage to the chillers, water pumps, cooling towers, terminals and other equipment. In order to ensure that chillers work normally during winter, the chiller has to survive in the low temperature environment, because it will cause a great loss to users if the unit is not maintained with proper seasonal shutdown. First of all, when those chillers are not going to turn on during winter for seasonal shutdown, water among chillers, pipes, pumps, cooling towers and terminals must be drained out clean in advance when the ambient temperature is below zero. How are we going to do for the water chiller HVAC system shutdown in winter ? Here are the tips below for seasonal water chiller system shutdown in winter how to drain out the water from HVAC system. 1.  Shell and Tube Condenser : Open the end cap of the water pipe.  After opening, pay attention to the end cover and screws. Insta