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How to design cooling system for commercial office building to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide

  First of all we need to understand what is meaning by "carbon dioxide " here. Generally speaking, carbon  dioxide emissions refer to the emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane. Carbon reduction action is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thereby reducing the greenhouse effect. If too much greenhouse gas emissions cause the earth's average temperature to be too high, it will lead to global climate anomalies. The most direct result is the melting of glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic, rising sea levels, submersion of land and coastal cities, and complete disappearance of most islands. Natural disasters that are sensitive to temperature changes, such as typhoons, extreme weather, and forest fires, will increase substantially. However, while we are carrying out reducing carbon emssion ,we still need confort cooling air in hot seasons. How we deisgn the system to make it greener ? Below is one of the project we have designed with  a high efficie