

目前显示的是标签为“Water cooled industrial chillers”的博文

Harm and causes of industrial chiller caused by high discharge temperature of compressor | Oumalchiller.com

  The exhaust temperature of the compressor is the temperature of the exhaust gas after the compressor does work (compresses the gaseous refrigerant). It is usually fixed within a range. By observing the temperature change, the working condition of the compressor can be predicted and the occurrence of safety-threatening events can be prevented. . The exhaust temperature is an important parameter in the operation of the refrigeration compressor of the industrial chiller, and it must be strictly controlled. If the exhaust temperature is too high, it will cause the special refrigeration compressor of the   industrial chiller   to overheat, especially for the piston of the piston chiller. Refrigeration compressors have a serious impact, and the main hazards are shown in the following aspects. 1. Excessive exhaust temperature of the compressor will directly reduce the gas transmission coefficient, increase the shaft power, and reduce the viscosity of the lubricating oil, which will cause ab

H.Stars Group industrial water screw chillers are ranked top 75 of the world tire industry

  Anhui Jiatong Tire Co., Ltd. is a large-scale tire manufacturing enterprise solely established by Jiatong Group Singapore Jiatong Tire Co., Ltd. Among the 55 major tire manufacturers in China, Anhui Jiatong ranks first in tire production and sales; in the world tire industry The Top 75 ranked 21st in total sales in 2001. The  chilled water supply system  mainly provides 7-12℃ chilled water for the rubber mixer machine, 7-12℃ chilled water is provided by the "H.Stars" water cooled industrial chillers, and then the chilled water is transported to 3 mixers through the system point. In the whole chilled water supply system solution, not only industrial water chiller with appropriate cooling capacity must be selected, but also the system safety, energy saving, convenient operation and reduction of personnel management costs and other factors must be fully considered, according to the other party's process requirements and existing condition. After many in-depth discussions a