

How to select the qualified chiller for an Ice skating rink | Hstarschiller.com

  Ice sports cannot be separated from ice rinks. With the development of technology, artificial ice rinks are constantly emerging. The design of the artificial ice rink should consider the location conditions of the ice rink, the purpose of the ice rink, and the geographical location of the ice rink. The design of artificial ice rink should pay special attention to the requirements of ice rink structure design and load calculation. How to select the qualified chiller for an Ice skating rink?   HST AR S Group   will help you to select the best ice rink chiller , because gradually some Hockey players have complained about the conditions of the ice rinks which might arise from humidity, leakage, or wrong ice temperatures. The refrigeration technology underlying ice rinks is in fact the same as in refrigerators and air conditioners. 1. Load calculation of ice rink The main difference between ice rinks and refrigerators or air conditioners is that the refrigerant doesn’t cool the ice direct

How to design a water chiller system with AHU for pharmaceutical factory workshop | Hstarschiller.com

  Nowadays, it’s become more and more aware of pharmaceutical enterprises to realize the significance of building an efficient and green to environment cooling system in the factory, because it can not only help the owner to save the running cost but also contribute to the society by reducing the emissions, especially for those developed countries . But how to design a simple but energy saving cooling system with clean workshop? Below we are going to give you a real case for your reference to help you understand well, especially for those are quite new to the water chiller system field. Firstly,this project has been done by  H.Stars Group  ,including the system design,equipment manufacturing and installation etc. Below is the detailed project overview to help you understand the owner’s requirement . Project address: one of the pharmaceutical factories located in China Project desire: Requesting a constant temperature with humidity for oral solid preparation workshop Project Requirement

What is the energy saving and cost saving cooling system for sand mill in printing ink factory

  The development of Chinese ink industry can be traced back to the beginning of the 20th century. Since the reform and opening up, the domestic ink market has developed rapidly, and inks have been widely used in various media such as paper, metal, glass, and plastic. In recent years, affected by the further advancement of environmental protection work, the price of some chemical raw materials has risen, and the growth rate of Chinese ink industry has gradually slowed down. In the past three years, the growth rate has been about 3.5%. The profit margin has also shown a downward trend. Oversupply has appeared in some regions. Ink sales have become fiercely competitive. In order to meet the needs of market competition, energy saving and consumption reduction and product quality improvement will be a major rule for ink manufacturers to enhance their corporate competitiveness. However, the research process is a key process in the ink production process, which has a key impact on both yield

Attention: Brine concentration will cause serious consequences to brine chiller

  Low-temperature brine chiller   is also one of the more commonly used refrigeration equipment. Its refrigerant is the so-called brine solution, which has a low freezing point. It is especially suitable for medium and low temperature chillers to carry cold capacity. The temperature is generally required to be controlled below 0 ℃, which is usually used for the low temperature demand of some special production lines in industry. So, what kind of harm will be caused to the Brine chiller if the ratio of Brine refrigerant is not correct? The refrigerant is used to transfer the cold and heat generated by the refrigerator to the intermediate substance of the object to be cooled or heated. The common refrigerants are air, water, brine, organic compounds and their aqueous solutions; When the outlet water temperature is 0 ℃, the commonly used water-borne refrigerant will freeze. At this time, it is necessary to select appropriate refrigerant, such as brine, glycol, etc. the selection principle

How to design a reliable artificial ice rink refrigeration system | Hstarschiller.com

  Nowadays, as the increasing economy of peoples life, more and more people are in need of ice rink . Therefore, many engineer company is worried about designing a best ice rink refrigeration system with reliability and energy efficient goal. Here are some best suggestions for you before you build an ice rink. Better take a look and it will help you save your time and money. 1.   Refrigeration system features The refrigeration system of indoor ice skating rink usually adopts two refrigeration methods: 1)   Direct expansion and indirect cooling. Direct expansion adopts condensing unit; 2)   Indirect cooling adopts\ screw type low-temperature chiller , Glycol is used as a refrigerant to form ice on the rink. At present, uses indirect cooling methods is more popular in the ice rink market. The cooling host should select more than two, one of which can meet the cooling under normal load conditions. When the conditions are relatively bad or the operating host needs to be repaired, the other

How to measure brine concentration for the brine chiller | Hstarschiller.com

  How to measure brine concentration for the brine chiller ? Saltwater brine chillers  are also one of the more commonly used refrigeration equipment. Its refrigerant is the so-called brine solution, which has a low freezing point. It is especially suitable for medium and low temperature chillers to carry cold capacity. The temperature is generally required to be controlled at 0 Below ℃, it is usually used for the low-temperature requirements of some special production lines in the industry. So, what kind of harm will the improper proportion of brine-carrying refrigerant cause to the chiller and how to measure brine concentration for the brine chiller ? The refrigerant is an intermediate substance used to transfer the cold heat generated by the refrigerator to the object to be cooled or heated. Commonly used refrigerants include air, water, saltwater, organic compounds, and their aqueous solutions; when the outlet water temperature is 0°C, the commonly used water-borne refrigerants wil